Liquidity pools & Adding Liquidity
Create LPs through the ZAP!
Through the ZAP function integrated in the platform addind liquidity is simpler and faster than in any other place.
You can choose any token or LP and instantly buy the LP, automatically addind liquidity to the pool.
Adding Liquidity the traditional way
If you have the tokens for an LP and don't need to use the ZAP function, Bikini finance allow you to provide liquidity by adding your tokens to liquidity pools.
When you add your token to a liquidity pool you will receive Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens.
As an example, if you deposited BIKINI and BNB into a liquidity pool, you would receive BIKINI-BNB LP tokens.
The number of LP tokens you receive represents your portion of the BIKINI-BNB liquidity pool.
You can also redeem your funds at any time by removing your liquidity.
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